YCV266: The Potential Of Renewable Energy From Palm Oil Mill Effluent

Endang Sari P. Nababan, S.Pd., Gr. Sekolah Indonesia Kota Kinabalu

iRISE25 | Young Creator

CR: 0.0448 | 3 Likes | 67 Views | 81 times | LS: 84.1
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This study is an integrative Project-Based Learning (PBL) work based on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), focusing on environmental science competencies. It addresses the issue of limited electrical energy and the problem of wastewater (POME). The solution developed to address these issues is the concept of the Volta cell, which relates to electricity, environmental science, linear programming, and battery technology as an alternative electrical energy source. This solution utilizes wastewater (POME) to overcome electricity limitations by applying the concept of the Volta cell, electricity, environmental science, linear programming, and battery technology with a simple circuit, resulting in a POME battery that benefits the community in Sabah, Malaysia, particularly those working on palm oil plantations. Several scientific concepts are used to create the POME battery model, including the Volta cell concept, which consists of a copper (Cu) metal strip as the cathode at the positive pole and a magnesium (Mg) strip as the anode at the negative pole, with a wet tissue serving as the salt bridge and POME wastewater as the electrolyte solution. This circuit is also connected to electrical concepts, such as dynamic electricity, which includes electric current, voltage, resistance, and the electrical power generated by the bio-battery model. The flow of electricity from the anode to the cathode can be tested using a multimeter.