ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: This research was done to prove the effectiveness of petai skin in killing dengue-causing mosquitoes and to heal insect bites. METHODOLOGY: 100 grams of petai skins were dried, crushed into a powder and soaked in 120 millilitres of 96% ethanol for 3 hours. The ethanol was left to evaporate, leaving the extract of the petai skin. This extract is separated into two halves; one is used for the mosquito insecticide, the other as the bite treatment. The half used to treat the bite is mixed with coconut oil as a base for the mixture to act like cream. The other half is mixed with water in three different concentrations; [A] 2.5 ml in 50 ml water (5% concentrate) [B] 5 ml in 50 ml water (9.09% concentrate) and [C] 7.5 ml in 50 ml water (13% concentrate). The solutions can be tested by putting it in an electric mosquito exterminator and placed inside a box with 25 mosquitoes for 24 hours. The cream can be tested by putting some of it on inflamed skin. After 24 hours, it is found that the mixture with 9.09% concentration is the most effective in exterminating mosquitoes. RESULT: While the test for the 13% concentration did kill the most mosquitoes, the number of mosquitoes killed was nearly the same as the 9.09% concentrate. As such, the 9.09% concentration of petai skin extract is effective in exterminating mosquitoes. The mosquito bite cream was tested on a mosquito bite, and the subject reported that the itch started to ease rapidly. The small amount of swelling and redness also went away quickly. Both of this is because of the content of flavonoids, saponins and phenolic compounds in the petai skin, as stated in numerous studies prior. CONCLUSION: Petai skin can be used to exterminate mosquitoes and to treat mosquito bites. Keywords: Delicious, smelly, nutritious, medicine