YCV295: Utilization Of Mengkudu/Noni Fruit (Morinda Citrifolia) - Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) Combination Into Nutritious Coffee

Muhammad Syukur Sekolah Indonesia Kota Kinabalu

iRISE25 | Young Creator

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The video with entitled “Utilization of Mengkudu/Noni Fruit (Morinda Citrifolia) - Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) Combination into Nutritious Coffee” shows an alternative way to achieve creative and sustainable economic development and improve body health. The scope of this study is Food Technology (F), which utilizes a plant product that can be said not having selling value yet, that is Mengkudu/Noni Fruit (Morinda Citrifolia) into a favorable product. The Mengkudu coffee is combined with ginger to add more fresh flavor and named “Kudu Coffee” to be more economically valuable.Mengkudu is commonly used as a medicinal ingredient, but was later marginalized along with the times. Some publications stated that Mengkudu contains vitamin C which is useful in boosting the immune system. In addition, it also contains scopoletin and xeronine that are useful in reducing hypertension and diabetes, where both of these diseases are suffered by many people nowadays. So far, Mengkudu is only used as juice and not interesting enough for people. For this reason, it is necessary to transform Mengkudu into attractive product, one of which is flavored coffee. With this research, it is hoped that the people in Ladang Sabah can boost their health and raise income in the economic sector. From the results of this experiment, it can be concluded that the Mengkudu or noni fruit (Morinda Citrifolia) can be processed into nutritious coffee products. Kudu Coffee is the market name of the Mengkudu coffee as a result of this experiment, which contains vitamin C which is useful for increasing humans immune system. Based on the Kudu Coffee taste trial, the people of Ladang Sabah accept the product of Mengkudu coffee and they prefer the product with the addition of milk.