MOHAMAD AIDIL BIN ADAN Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
Among the most damaging natural catastrophes, floods seriously harm ecosystems, lives, and property. The goal of this project research is to create an Internet of Things-based system that can track water levels in real time. The device checks water levels and sends data via the Blynk IoT platform, giving users real-time notifications, using an ESP32 microcontroller and an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. After undergoing extensive testing in a variety of scenarios, the system proved to be effective at identifying sharp increases in water levels and swiftly notifying users. Google Sheets connection also guarantees effective data logging for decision-making and historical analysis. Designed for flood-prone regions, this dependable and reasonably priced system provides improved catastrophe readiness, prompt response strategies, and a scalable platform for wider flood monitoring and management applications.