Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is an approach that can assess student achievement in using the knowledge gained as well as providing a framework that also helps teachers in their teaching efforts. The purpose of this study is to see the effectiveness of using teaching aids using 3D Virtual presentation techniques. Gallery Walk for Semester 2 students of the Department of Information and Communication Technology (JTMK) for Session II: 2022/2023 in increasing students' understanding of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) topic in the Cyberpreneurship course (DFT30103). The objective of this study is to examine the level of effectiveness of teaching aids using the 3D Virtual Gallery Walk presentation method in improving students' understanding of BMC taught in the DFT30103 course with the use of the 3D Virtual Gallery Walk presentation method. A comparison of the achievement of CLO2A which contains an assessment for BMC in the DFT30103 course between the control group and the treatment group shows the use of teaching aids using the 3D Virtual Gallery Walk presentation method. This technique is generally able to improve students' understanding of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) in the DFT30103 course.