A Smart Shopping Trolley is an innovation designed to enhance the shopping experience by allowing customers to calculate their total spending. The trolley is equipped with advanced RFID technology that requires customers to scan items on the trolley's RFID reader. The trolley instantly updates and displays the total amount on an LED screen once user scanned the item. This intelligent system significantly speeds up the payment process by eliminating the need for manual scanning at the checkout counter. As a result, customers can enjoy a faster and more efficient shopping journey, with reduced waiting times and a more streamlined experience. Additionally, the smart trolley simplifies the process for customers by keeping an accurate and immediate tally of their expenditures, helping them stay within their budget and make informed purchasing decisions. This project aims to provide instant access to detailed product information and reviews by scanning RFID tags through implementing IoT technology, to provide real-time spending information to help customer manage their budgets effectively and to streamline retail operations by leveraging IoT technology to monitor inventory in real-time and reduce stock discrepancies, and optimize stock management. The methodology that used to develop this system is Prototyping Model. Prototyping Model can develop a system in a short time compare with other methodologies. There are six phases which are requirements and analysis phase, quick design phase, build prototype phase, user evaluation phase, refining prototype and implement and maintain phase. The Smart Shopping Trolley project significantly enhances the shopping experience through technological innovation.